I have personally experienced the harm that the digital pollution of technology can have on health. Only after I experienced my health degrade and try everything you’re supposed to do (improve lifestyle, diet, stress, etc.) without improvement, did I eventually find my answer: I’m electromagnetic hyper-sensitive. What does that mean? It means that the signals and radio frequencies (RF) being given off by all the various wireless devices we interact with can cause slight discomfort or major symptoms. Including common items we interact with EVERYDAY:

  • Cell phones
  • Cell towers
  • Bluetooth 
  • Smart TVs
  • Wi-Fi
  • Utility smart meters
  • Electric cars
  • Computers

We are exposed to one quintillion times more radiation that penetrates our bodies than we were 10 years ago. That’s a 1 with 18 zeros.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer classified all RF-emitting devices as a Class 2B carcinogen, which is the same category as smoking and lead. Over time, extended exposure can cause cellular and even DNA damage which is known to cause major health issues like auto-immune diseases and cancer.

Symptoms of exposure can be subtle, or they can be debilitating. It depends on the person, the duration of their exposure, the distance to the source of radiation, and strength of the signal. Some of the more common side-effects of exposure are:

  • Headaches
  • Migraines 
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Lethargy
  • Brain fog
  • Memory issues
  • Heart palpitations

Europe is years ahead of the United States on this topic and have started implementing regulations to protect the population. France banned Wi-Fi in nurseries, and several countries are wanting to ban it in all schools due to children being more susceptible to the damages.

Now that I know, I have limited my exposure by moving out of the city, using my cell phone on speaker so I can maximize distance, and giving myself “tech” breaks. I’m also fighting technology with technology by using a highly advanced converter that cancels out the harmful frequencies associated with most devices. Not only does the converter protect me, but it also introduces beneficial frequencies to restore and reharmonize the body’s systems. I now have more energy, sleep better and wake up refreshed, mental clarity, and physically feel better.

Resources to learn more:

Generation Zapped movie (trailer below)

Information on 5G – Environmental Health Trust (ehtrust.org)

Public Health Researcher: Smartphones Emit Harmful Radiation — Here’s How to Reduce Your Risk

Americans for Responsible Technology
